Tuesday 20 December 2016

ViewData, ViewBag and TempData


- ViewBag is used to send a small amount of data to the view.
- There may be some situation where you want to transfer some temporary data to view which is not included in the model object.
- The viewBag is a dynamic type property of ControllerBase class.
- It does not retain value when redirection occurs, It is available only for Current Request.
- ViewBag is a dynamic property and it makes use of the C# 4.0 dynamic features.

  public class DemoController : Controller
        IList<Car> CarList = new List<Car>() {
                    new Car(){ CarName="i10", CarColor="Black",CarMileage=18.2 },
                    new Car(){ CarName="EON", CarColor="Silver", CarMileage=18.2 },
                    new Car(){ CarName="Swift", CarColor="Red", CarMileage=18.2},
                    new Car(){ CarName="Verna", CarColor="Black", CarMileage=18.2},
                    new Car(){ CarName="Ciaz", CarColor="Silver", CarMileage=18.2}

        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.TotalCar = CarList.Count();
            return View();

- ViewData is similar to ViewBag, It can also be used to send data from controller to view.
- It is a dictionary, which possesses key-value pairs, where each key must be a string.
- Viewdata last long only for current HTTP request.

public class DemoController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewData["Simple"] = "This string is stored in viewData.";
            return View();
    To get back the value from viewData write below line in view.

- TempData retain value across subsequent HTTP Request
- It can be used to maintain data between controller actions as well as redirects.
- It internally stores data in session but it gets destroyed earlier than a session.

Saturday 1 October 2016

OOPS Concepts, Features & Explanation with Example.

- OOP = Object Oriented Programming.
- It is a programming technique which provides an efficient way to manage Object and its behaviour across a system.
- It provides a way to show/hide relevant data.
- It provides an efficient way for code reusability.

Here I will explain you important concepts of OOP.

(1) Class

- The class can be considered as a blueprint for an object.
- A class is a collection of object.
- It is compulsory to create a class for representation of data.
- Class do not occupy memory space, so it is a merely logical representation of data.

The syntax for declaring a class.

public class College
       //your code goes here..

(2) Object

- The object is variable of type Class.
- Object possess property and behaviour.
- As a class do not occupy any memory, so to work with real-time data representation you need to make an object of the class.

- Here is the syntax to create an object(we just created above).

College objCollege = new College();

(3) Encapsulation

- Encapsulation is the process of keeping item into one logical unit.
- Encapsulation is a technique used to protect the information in an object from another object.
- The concept of data hiding or information hiding can be achieved by encapsulation.
- In c#,Encapsulation is implemented using the access modifier keywords. C# provides 5 types of access modifier,
  which are listed below.
  (i) Public : Public members are accessible by any other code in the same  assembly or another            assembly that reference it.
  (ii)Private : Private member can only be accessed by code in the same class.
  (iii)Protected: Protected member can only be accessed by code in the same class or in a derived class.
  (iv)Internal : Internal member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, but not from another assembly.
  (v) Protected Internal : Protected Internal member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, or by any derived class in another assembly.

(4) Polymorphism

- Polymorphism is an ability to take more than one form in different case/scenario.
- It can make different logical units but with the same name. Its behaviour is executed based on input or the way it is called.

class PolymorphismExample
        public void Add(int p_Value1, int p_Value2)
            Console.WriteLine("Result ={0}", p_Value1 + p_Value2); // This will perform addition of p_Value1 and p_Value2

        public void Add(string p_Value1, string p_Value2)
            Console.WriteLine("Result ={0}", p_Value1 + p_Value2); // This will perform concatenation of p_Value1 and p_Value2
(5) Inheritance

- Inheritance provides a way to inherit member of another class.
- It Provides a way to reuse code which is already written.

class InheritanceExample
        public abstract class AllCar
            public abstract string GetCarName();

        public class HondaSeries : AllCar
            //this method name matches with same signature/parameters in AllCar class
            public override string GetCarName()
                return "Car Name is Honda City";

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            AllCar objAllCar = new HondaSeries();

Sunday 11 September 2016

C# Program to Check Whether the Given Number is a Prime number or not.

This C# Program Checks Whether the Given Number is a Prime number or not.
It will ask a user to enter a number and check whether it is prime or not.

using System;

namespace CsharpProgram
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Enter a Number : ");

            int _Number;

            _Number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            int _Flag;

            _Flag = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= _Number; i++)
                if (_Number % i == 0)

            if (_Flag == 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Entered Number is a Prime Number.");
                Console.WriteLine("Not a Prime Number");

Mathematical Calculation in C# using Math Class.

Math class can be use for maths related calculation.

some of useful math class methods are illustrated with example.

- Math.BigMul() : use for getting multiplication of two number.
- Math.Ceiling() : use for getting number that is greater than or equal to the specified double-precision floating-point number.
- Math.Floor() : use for getting integer that is less than or equal to the specified double-precision floating-point number.
- Math.Sin() : Returns the sine of the specified angle.
- Math.Cos() : Returns the cosine of the specified angle.
- Math.Tan() : Returns the tangent of the specified angle.
- Math.Sqrt() : Returns the square root of a specified number.
- Math.Max() : Returns the larger of two number.
- Math.Min() : Returns the smaller of two number.

using System;

namespace CsharpProgram
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double Multiplication, CeilingValue, FloorValue;

            Multiplication = Math.BigMul(7823, 2345);

            CeilingValue = Math.Ceiling(76.43);

            FloorValue = Math.Floor(76.43);

            Console.WriteLine("7823 * 2345 = " + Multiplication);

            Console.WriteLine("Ceiling value of 76.43 is " + CeilingValue);

            Console.WriteLine("Floor value of 76.43 is " + FloorValue);

            double sin_Result, cos_Result, tan_Result;

            sin_Result = Math.Sin(30);
            cos_Result = Math.Cos(30);
            tan_Result = Math.Tan(30);

            Console.WriteLine("Sin of angle 30 is " + sin_Result);
            Console.WriteLine("Cos of angle 30 is " + cos_Result);
            Console.WriteLine("Tan of angle 30 is " + tan_Result);

            double SquareRoot;

            SquareRoot = Math.Sqrt(144);

            Console.WriteLine("Square Root of 144 is " + SquareRoot);

            int MaxValue, MinValue;

            MaxValue = Math.Max(34, 76);
            MinValue = Math.Min(34, 76);

            Console.WriteLine("Maximum of 34 and 76 is " + MaxValue);
            Console.WriteLine("Minimum of 34 and 76 is " + MinValue);


Hello World in C#.Net

Hello World Program in C#.Net

using System;

namespace CsharpProgram
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Here Console.WriteLine() is use to display message to console screen.
Console.ReadKey(); is used to retain console screen , it will wait for user to press any key.

c# program which ask for your name and write it back with Greet.

using System;

namespace CsharpProgram
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string Name;
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name!");
            Name = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Hello, Your name is " + Name);

Console.ReadLine() is use to read message entered by user.